Square Watches: Finding the Perfect Timepiece with Cartier’s Tank Watch and Seiko’s Affordable Alternative

A watch is a statement piece that can completely save your outfit.
I took it upon myself to find the perfect watch to suit my taste,
and I quickly gravitated towards square watches.
The quintessential model here is Cartier’s Tank Watch,
but I wasn’t entirely sure if I should go all out.
I scoured through countless alternatives,
yet nothing really caught my eye.
Just as I was about to give up and splurge on the Cartier,
I stumbled upon a code S W R053 that LED me to a Seiko watch,
a maker renowned for its affordable pieces and quality craftsmanship.
This particular Seiko is worth at just 1:30 at the cost of the Cartier.
Honestly, the packaging is precisely what I expected.
After removing the bits of plastic,
the watch itself appears to be of genuine quality.
It turned out great, though it’s tad small
and might barely fit the average man’s wrist size.
For that’s a concern, there’s a larger version available.
I’m actually quite pleased with it.
It’s vintage like, reminiscent of a time when watches were much smaller.
What do you all think?
Does the style resonate with you as much as it does with me?