Unraveling the Truth: A Closer Look into the Complex Web of Stories and Secrets

Like he doesn’t want to tell me the exact story that did happen. But whatever story people are saying, if that didn’t even happen, that went down and there was someone else in the comments that said the exact same thing. They know the owner of etc. And they said nobody should come on TikTok and say that the story isn’t true cuz they don’t wanna get involved. But you know what? At the end of the day, it’s the truth is the truth.

Hey, what’s the truth?

Like I said, nobody is keen to tell me other apparently the owner as whoever they told has to stay with them. But the stories that have been put on this platform is not even true.

Yes. So this is another thing that people have said they want to make sure Ben does not come back to. Okay, so here, King John, your platform is being used as a scapegoat to make sure that bernalkin does not have a say when he comes back. They’re using you to discredit anything that he will say. So if he tells the truth about what really happened there and what really happens there with those people, you will, and no one will believe them because you are the one that discredited him and his lies.

Hey, miss King John, you need to look deeper into the riddle. Continue to ask the right questions. Ask Moy Kent Global, etc. What Tequila Knights are. Bern Larkin is guilty and a big . But at each turn, they have moved the spot of the bigger problem here by bringing in new victims and not addressing them as perpetrators. Also, how can so many people be scared of such a little insignificant pain? Start asking why people were scared of the group and why global is the reason.

Podium every week. Okay, now another message I want to read and this is from someone who is constantly in this livestream, someone who shows their face, someone who’s always here, but someone who has never, ever spoken about anything because she’s nobody. In a sense. She’s just part of the audience, not a big create, not even a creator, nothing.

KJ, I know queen of the app. I worked with him a few years ago at my first job and he was the manager. He is a volatile and dangerous person. I wouldn’t trust a word he says. He is bipolar and has anger issues. He threw a metal tray across the restaurant at someone. My parents found out and everyone was so shocked, he fired them and all their friends and me do not trust him. Not saying he’s lying about burn, but just keep in mind, I’m actually scared to see him in public because of how erratic and volatile he is. I would, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if he hooked up with Ben on purpose. It’s just food for thought.

I also, can I read that she’s like, so when I ask her, can I read this message out? She said, I don’t know, because he’ll definitely know it’s me. I said, what are you afraid of? She’s like, would it be okay for me to message other girls who are there? I was like, okay. Yes. She’s like, okay, cool. I’ll get back to ASAP. Then she sends a message. Actually, it, KJ for it. I’ve message everyone to give them a heads up. So this is messages to me. These are people who are dming, who are emailing, who are here. She doesn’t come from Kaijai come, people are sending her all these messages. And then there’s message response from etc, PA pub, Centurion. So back with the owner of etc, like, dude, there’s some things happening here. Every.