Unveiling the Layers of Evolution and Creation Myths

Evolution is proven scientific fact.
It’s not dogma. It’s repeatable.
It’s testable. It’s proven in every way possible.
We know more about evolution than we know about gravity.
We know more about evolution than we know about electricity.
It’s proven fact.
The bad news for you is that it completely disproves a garden of Eden,
which disproves original sin and disproves the need for a savior.
Because it’s a myth. Everything he says is true.
But how about this?
We can locate, or they have located,
where the garden of Eden in the Bible was.
Stories are really important as humans.
Stories matter. Fairy tales go back thousands of years.
Oral traditions matter. They are passed on.
The garden of Eden, Adam and Eve.
Of course, it didn’t happen like it set there,
just like Noah didn’t happen.
But I do think that somewhere,
somewhere deep down,
there’s a little grain of something that people wanted to keep telling.
Creation myths are creation myths,
but they’re not creation myths of all humans.
They’re creation myths of people.
And we do. We know where the garden of Eden was geographically located.
But of course,
in a time when there weren’t many humans in the place at all,
and you lived with a tribe and you meet other humans and you.
You mate with them and you fuck off.
What happens if two humans, maybe.
I don’t know, there were laws that you couldn’t.
You could. You couldn’t mate with humans in Your small tribe.
And you did, and you got kicked out.
And how about
that story was repeated as a warning as to what would happen?
I don’t know.
But I love the idea that the Bible is not true. Literally.
It’s a collection of stories over quite a wide range of time.
But some of the stories are amazing.
You don’t have to believe in god
or you don’t have to take the Bible as some kind of truth
to look at some of the stories that are in it and wonder at them,
at where those stories came from,
how they started what.
What began those stories. And I just love that idea
that there is a story behind the garden of Eden.
A real, true story of something that did happen,
but has been so Chinese, whispered
and turned into something else that we can never know what it is.
But, my god, I’d love to know.