Saturday Morning Delights: Bagels, Cartoons, and Family Fun

Saturday morning breakfast. Bagels.
I already took a bite.
But this is my favorite part of Saturday mornings.
We watch cartoons and eat bagels.
Mama. Mm hmm.
My bacon. Okay.
Is it good?
Bacon, egg and cheese.
I’ve always wanted days to look forward to.
Like, Thursday night spaghetti night,
Saturday morning bagel day.
Saturday night pizza. I was having, like,
a day to look forward to something.
It was always my routine. Oh,
all done.
All done. Thank you.
Want more bacon or bread?
More bacon.
Malibu has her own little
bagel plate. She calls it bread and cheese.
I like cheese. Morning.
We are playing with dinosaurs.
We’re in our Dinosaur era.
And the wood cake,
we pretend to eat it. Malibu’s nap time.
We watch Jane the Virgin. Love the show,
and that’s like 10 years old,
but if you haven’t seen it,
watch it. We’re on season one.
It’s like the funniest show I’ve ever seen.
And, like,
so. Just so good.
The comedy, the acting,
the aesthetic, everything about it’s amazing.
And they filmed it in Marina Del Rey.
It takes place in Florida,
but filmed in Marina Del Rey.
So we might have to go to the Ritz Carlton and Marina Del Rey.
Just saying.
You want the cake?
Oh, you wanna show them?
Here, maybe they wanna eat some.
Hmm. Okay,
now we’ll eat.
Oh, the Dinosaur wants to eat.
Oh, that’s so sweet.
Haha. Okay, alright. Thing in the whole world.
I really Do try to go on my walks,
eat a healthy dinner, like,
I don’t know, five nights of the week.
But I love to just have, like,
something good, too.
Not to worry about carbs or calories
and just be like, this tastes good. This feels good.
I know it’s a bagel sandwich,
but it keeps me full, literally until dinner.
And then we have pizza. Trigger warning
talking about calories,
but look at Domino’s Pizza for the Brooklyn style cheese is, like,
literally only, like,
250 calories a slice. And they’re huge slices,
so you eat two, it’s, like,
only 500 calories. I know it’s pizza,
but still, like,
so crazy, right?
Albert wants to show you her plate.
What do you have?
Is it good?