Exploring British History and Victorian Architecture: Behind the Scenes with Peach and Tom

We’re filming something very important
and Peach still finds a way to talk about British history.
Had a little wander around.
Yeah, it’s kinda cool.
It’s. It’s got really cool. Um,
they. They filmed something at Charlotte.
Comes out in the eighties,
but it’s like it’s the original Victorian stable building.
Ah, can’t get enough.
Ah, so it is older.
It is. Oh,
Tom’s involved now. Well,
it might not be cause this is also Victorian,
but it looks a lot older. But they join.
So they joined the barn with the house basically.
No, no, this.
So these buildings. There were some low down buildings here.
That’s what I mean.
See that bottom course of masonry is different to the layer above it.
That bottom course is like pre E.
Like, I don’t know,
70 numbers. Uh,
if not earlier. Yeah,
I was. Yeah.
If you look inside that bit,
you got all this sort of outline to the old buildings.
We’re going in there in a bit.