Unveiling the Untold: A Testimony of Resilience and Faith

I was gonna try talking here, but I don’t want Kevin to hear me cuz she just went down late. So hold on, I got some car. Good night, Barry. I love you, too. I knew it. I knew that was gonna happen as soon as I all has to know it. Hold on. Okay, maybe this will work.

I’m sorry if the quality is really bad. It’s just this is the only time that I’ve had to talk today, and I want to wait until I can get by myself and not be interrupted.

As of right now, a video has been posted and it talks more in depth about my testimony, and it’s a lot more than I’ve shared on my own page. And that was not something that I thought was gonna happen. That was definitely a God thing. And just how much of a God thing it is will come out later.

But for right now, I just want to, I don’t even know. I just, I know that people are gonna be coming to my page and I want to kind of give y’all just an update of where I’m at. So I’ve tried to make videos on my other page where I was gonna share my testimony. And that’s the page that I was going to present evidence and talk about things. Also the things I’m gonna be talking about are very sensitive topics and I didn’t wanna lose this account. And I felt like I was supposed to start a whole new page and go in that direction, but I’m just gonna let you know tonight I tried to log into it and the accounts like gone. I don’t know if that’s a sign, but I just wonder, I was gonna make this video on that one. And then I was like, oh, okay, all right, go. We’re just, we’re rolling with the punches. I mean, it’s always something new as of right now, I’m gonna be using this page. And I know it’s annoying cuz it’s annoying me because I had everything set up on that one, ready to go, including some comments that I was gonna be replying to, had everything ready.

Like I said, I don’t have that account right now. Don’t know how to get it back. So we’re just gonna pray about it and see what the heck happens. And I’ll try to contact TikTok and see if I can get it back going. But I just wanted to say to everybody that’s gonna be, you know, coming and checking out my page and all of that.

I hope that in hearing my testimony that I even shared in that video, I hope that it touched you. I hope that it made you realize that you are not alone. And that just because you see somebody who seems to be happy all the time, then their life is great.

There’s so much more to people than what you see on a screen. There’s so much more to them, and I know that a lot of the stuff that I said is super just, it’s hard to hear. But the sad thing is very common. Every day people, you know, they get on social media and they compare themselves and they think that, oh, like it? The grass is so much green on the other side. It would be so nice if I could be like that person on social media. It would be so nice if I was happy all the time like that. If I had, you know, fill in the blank. We have to be so careful not to do that with people because you never know what that person’s been through. You never know what they’re walking through currently. And the stuff that I’m going through currently just adds on to all the stuff I’ve already been through, is so much more than y’all could realize. And like I’ve already said, in due time, on God’s time, all of it will come out.

But I desperately need y’all to do one thing for me. Because with that testimony coming out and me being that Daniel Day, it puts my daughter in a position, and I don’t wanna say because I’m gonna be living in fear now because I’ve had to get over that for the past five years.

I’ve had to go through a lot of things to get to where I’m at now and to feel safe and protected by God. But I’m just letting y’all know, as a single mother who was the only protector for herself and her child, I need y’all. I desperately need y’all to keep us in your prayers throughout this because it’s gonna be a lot in.

I’m, I don’t wanna sit here and act like I’m gonna live in fear because I’m not. But I am gonna be wise and I know that there’s power in prayer. And if y’all could all just keep killing on your prayers, especially when it comes to keeping us protected and safe, cuz this is, there’s gonna be a lot of people triggered. We’ll just say that. There’s gonna be a lot of people triggered that it’s finally getting exposed. Like I’ve said some stuff on my own page, but this is gonna reach millions. And I’m not gonna lie, that is scary.

But I’m also trying to just stay firm and my beliefs and what I know god says and what I know he’s spoken over our lives. And so we are not to live in fear, but living here on this earth, bad things happening is inevitable. And myself can testify to that because of all the stuff I’ve already been through and I’m going through, but I’m just praying for a hedge of Protection around us in this situation. And so if there’s one thing that you can do for me and do for Kimmy, please just keep us in your prayers and pray for guidance for me.

I’m sorry. I’m trying not to cry. I didn’t mean to cry. I didn’t mean to get super emotional. I just wanna make this cut and draw. This is just, this is gonna be a very stressful time for myself. And I just want to make sure that I’m doing everything in my power to keep killing us safe and to go about this the way that God wants me to go about this because there’s so much to unpack with all of this stuff.

But I hope, like I said, with the video that y’all have seen, that gives you more detail and a little bit more understanding into my testimony. And there’s a whole lot more to it. There’s a whole lot that I didn’t talk about. There’s a whole lot that we could, because it’s so much, and I don’t even know how much can stay on social media. So just bear with me and thank you all in advance for the prayers and for all the kind words. I’m probably not gonna be able to respond to everything, but I truly appreciate it. And there is power in the tongue and I am believing that God’s will be done. And I know that he’s gonna use me and there can’t be any silent sink if God is telling me to speak.