The Cracker River Water Experience: Review of a Medium Iced Original Coffee with Mocha Swirls and Vanilla Shots

Hey, guys.
It’s been so long since I’ve done Cracker River water,
and I’m trying a new drink,
so here’s the coffee.
It is a medium iced original coffee with three mocha swirls,
three vanilla shots, and three creams. Here’s.
Oh, my gosh,
this is yummy. I really like this.
Maybe, like,
I feel like if I got it again,
I might do a little less mocha and a little more vanilla,
but really good. I. Oops.
Yeah, like,
maybe a 7 out of 10. Just probably would order it differently,
so honest rating would probably be in between crack or river water.
Not as river. Not.
It’s not really river water,
but it’s not crack, but it could be crack,
so. Bye.