The Unpredictable Journey: A Day of Surprises at the Airport

if I only knew
what was about
to happen while
I was filming
this clip
I would have gotten
my as out of this
luggage line so
dam quickly
this day was
so weird so I take
myself to
the airport and
go straight to the
start off normal
go straight to the
at the lounge
as I do get
on the plane
the man next to
me literally
he brought
out a pack of gum
and he’s like
do you want some and
I was like yeah
and I took some he
didn’t even take any
just put it back
freshly brushed teeth
then they told
us something broke
while we were trying
to take off
so they told us
all get off the plane also
has anyone ever
seen this
my plane was 90%
first class and business class
there was only like
three rows of economy
I literally leave come
back the next day
empty handed
mind you like
flying to New York with
a wallet and a dream
hoping my suitcase
will be there
technically I could
have flown out yesterday
but I paid for an
aisle seat non stop
and they’re trying to
send me in like a middle
seat with a stop
and I’m like yeah
I’m just gonna come
back the next day like
what would you
guys have done
what the fun
is that fear
where people have
a fear of holes
cause that was so
many crop circles
I swear it gave
me that fear
and they gave
the whole flight like
two free meals
like this is a domestic flight
so I was like okay
redemption arc
let’s go American
it was like two PM
and everyone went to sleep
so I had to just close
my window to be respectful
this person kept
trying to hold my hand
what the
and then eventually
it was actually night time
and when I tell you
I was so excited
cause when I got
to JFK my suitcase
was waiting
it was just waiting
in a room
and I got my bag before everyone