Midsummer Party Update: July’s Gone, News Recaps, and a Furry Visitor

Hi, everybody.
So I needed to do an update today.
I’m having a little party.
Uh, gotta host a party because I was supposed to host it in July,
and then July got away from me. Why?
Well, because as you’ve seen in the updates,
there’s been some things going on.
Got 8 hours sleep. That felt good.
I’m really missing TikTok cape.
Don’t know my outfit. I don’t even know where that’s from.
Maybe I could figure it out.
But anyway, um,
news wise, R F K.
Junior endorses Trump.
Looks like it could maybe help him in some of the battleground states.
Kamala Harris didn’t do anything today,
which I think is a little bit of a mistake
because she had such a good convention for her
that she could have capitalized on that.
But let’s see what the Sunday shows brings.
I know Shannon Breams got one coming up,
and I’m gonna watch that on Fox News Sunday.
And then also, do you wanna see Percy? Percy! Percy!
There he is! Everybody have a great night.