Nerdy Nuts’ Java Jam: A Delicious Spoonable Spread Re-Release

We’ve been shopping all day
and just stopped by our mailbox to see if we had any goodies in there.
And look what came.
Java Jam. This is a flavor that we created with nerdy nuts a while back.
And, guys,
it’s being re released this Sunday at seven PM Eastern.
Peanut butter is made up of white chocolate,
peanut butter, chocolate chips,
and don’t forget chocolate covered espresso beans. Yum.
So this flavor is known as a spoonable spread.
So you could either spread it on some morning toast
or just take a spoon to it.
Any time of day, doesn’t matter.
I like to take a spoon to it.
Yeah, me too.
And look, we’re even on the front of the jar.
Yeah. Haha.
Okay. Cheers.
Those chocolate covered espresso beans.
So good.
And it doesn’t have an overwhelming flavor of coffee?
No, not at all.
It’s just the perfect amount.
I’m double dipping. Sorry.
So delicious.
Hmm. Yum.
Go get it, guys.
So good.