Beyond Views: The Truth About Monetizing Content and Attracting Sophisticated Buyers

Yeah, I have tons of friends in content
that can’t make absolutely any money from it.
It’s funny cause they’ll say like,
I get more views than you,
how are you doing
multiple six figures a month with this massive business?
And then I can’t even sell like a single course.
And it’s because the views don’t really matter.
Like, if you post clickbait garbage,
you could have billions of views and not make any money at all.
If your entire audience is broke,
they can’t afford to buy. No matter how many videos they watch,
it doesn’t matter. And the sophisticated buyers,
the people you’re actually trying to get to with money,
they skip over that kind of content.
You’re intentionally excluding them.
They would never buy from someone doing something like that.