Encountering Jesus: A Muslim’s Journey from Iran to Christianity

From Iran. Iran is a Islamic country at the moment
and I grew up in a Muslim family in southwest of Iran.
So like every other Muslims,
praying just, uh,
five times a day and knowing that God’s name is Allah,
it came to the point that I was, uh,
almost 17 years old and, uh, uh,
my journey with Jesus started from there.
As a Muslim, you must pray in Arabic because Allah is Arab.
That’s what, uh,
you know, he understand Arabic.
Even we’ve been told when we get to heaven,
even if you are a Persian,
you speak in Persian or Farsi,
we, we’re gonna have a six month course
and we learn in Arabic and then talk to him.
So I’m sorry, but they’ve been believing in what,
what they’ve been hearing because of the spirit of fear.
So behind the spirit of Islam is the spirit of fear.
I was praying like other Muslims five times a day
and one day when I was, uh,
bowing my head on the ground,
uh, putting my head on the ground and bowing my knees saying Subhana,
Rabbi Allah Alhamdulillah,
this is the verse that we say in Arabic and our head is on the ground,
a revelation came to my mind and the,
the question was
why God is asking me to talk to him in a language that I don’t know.
So if you are God, you,
you must know that I am Persian.
I am Yeah, love,
love, love. Yeah,
that’s that’s something to laugh really about.
I asked him and I said, if you are God,
you must know that I’m not Arab.
Why you expect me to talk to you in another another language?
And also, and you want me to repeat things everyday the same things,
you know, that revelation came to my mind and I said, oh,
so that’s silly. I’m not gonna pray anymore.
But I said something to god.
I said, god,
if you are alive, show yourself to me.
7 days after that, not praying to Allah anymore and waiting for god
alive god to show himself to me.
I had a dream from Jesus Christ,
but not only me, my mother,
my sister and myself in the same night,
we did have the same dream of Jesus Christ.
So Jesus with two white papers,
he came to our dream and he said to my mom,
Mary Michelle said, I am Jesus Christ.
Take to, to these two white papers and pass them to Amin and Elham.
Elham is my sister and we were behind my mom,
my mom got them and pass them to us.
When she turned back to Jesus,
I woke up and that time was 5 o’clock in the morning.
So I said, what’s wrong?
You know, who is Jesus?
You know, as a Muslim,
you you think that Jesus is only a prophet,
good prophet, prophet of love.
Actually, that’s what they Tell us.
And I said, what was those two white papers?
And in the meantime, I was thinking about that.
I heard my mom and my sister were crying in the other bedroom.
I ran away to them and I said,
what’s wrong with you? Why you are crying this time of the day?
They said, we did have a dream from Jesus.
And I said, are you serious?
And they said, yes.
And I said, I had,
I had a dream about Jesus, too.
Please share it with me. So when they shared with me,
I bowed my knees. I joined them crying.
I don’t know for how long,
but I, we cried.
And he said, god,
what do you want to show us?
Because we didn’t have no information about Christianity.
The Bible is not a free book to buy in the bookstores in Iran,
so you can’t find Bible. But the story didn’t finish yet.
God didn’t leave us to this point.
Five hours after that, 10 o’clock in the morning,
one of our friends knocked the door
and he came inside and he put a Farsi Persian Bible on the table.
And he said, I am sent by god to share this word with you.
I have to tell you, Jesus is not only a prophet.
Jesus Christ is the word of god whom became flesh.
He came, he left heaven.
He died on the cross for you and I,
for those who come to believe.
In him will be forgiven. My mom stopped him and I said,
he said, why you didn’t share this before with us?
Because we knew him for five years.
And he said, I had to come today.
And my mom said,
we didn’t have the same dream of Jesus Christ last night.
And so what do you mean by,
we said, me,
my daughter and my son, I mean,
we didn’t have the same dream of Jesus
and you’re telling us about Jesus. What’s,
what’s going on? And he said,
are you serious? What was that dream?
And then my mom shared the dream.
He bowed his knees and he cried for half an hour.
He was weeping. You said 5 o’clock in the morning,
you woke up of that dream.
5:00am I heard Jesus voice in my room.
And he said, son,
get up. Take my word to Amy’s house.
They are ready to hear my word today.
The God that you and I, we are Jesus is a live god.
Even in the countries. Clap for him.
Worship him. Worship him with clapping.
Yes, he deserves.
So the god that we worship is coming to people’s life,
even in the countries that Christianity is forbidden.