Criminal Charges: The Case of Connor McLean – A Closer Look at Street Racing and Its Consequences

Alright, sir,
how are you doing? Connor McLean.
McLean, 34,
male. Criminal record,
mental health test positive.
National status? Yes.
Charges are participating in street racing,
violation of traffic safety and rules.
Details. Recently,
traffic police came across a street race while on patrol
and followed the suspicious vehicles. Armageddon.
First of all, I am not a street racer.
I have no connection with other vehicles.
I was just passing by in my sports car.
Evidence speed measurements,
224 km an hour, buddy,
to get away from everybody.
License plate belonging to the vehicle
located in the trunk. In the trunk of the vehicle?
Yeah. Yeah.
I thought the police stopped me because I was speeding.
I ran away to avoid a traffic ticket.
You have been street racing in the past and got caught.
Do you have an explanation about this?
You know, this time is pure coincidence.
I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. That’s all.
And why was your license plate inside the trunk of your car?
Because I took my license plate off to get my car painted
and I forgot to put it back on.
That’s bull.
Uh hmm.
Traffic offenses, 5,000 dollar fine.
Oh, he’s,
he has a criminal record too, guys.
2 years in jail and 5,000 dollar,
15,000 dollar fine. At 4 years in jail,
22,000 dollar. Jeez.
Four years in jail,
37, 537,500.