Shabbos Feast and Fun: A Family Gathering with Delicious Food and New Games

Here’s what I made for Shabbos this week.
It is the first Shabbos in seven weeks that all four of us are home,
so I’m very excited about that.
And Nora got a new board game,
so we’re all gonna learn it together.
Hey, Zach,
are you gonna learn the board game with us?
Sure. Great.
I came in here looking for the board game,
but I cannot find it anywhere.
So once we try, if we like it,
I’ll let you know. And yes,
we can play board games and card games on Shabbos.
we’re actually starting off with some food
that was for my niece’s wedding
that they sent us home with.
And I froze it right after the wedding,
and now I defrosted it. We have some sesame chicken,
roasted sweet peppers, and pulled brisket.
Actually, it says pulled beef,
so I don’t know what kind of beef this is.
I found the game. I guess it’s a card game,
not a board game. Nora’s broccoli and cauliflower,
cause that was mixed into the bag,
is out of the oven. These are some roasted,
shredded Brussels sprouts.
Oh, I cannot wait to eat these.
I put these two spices together on the Brussels sprouts.
Happy to say, by the way,
that my pantry is still pretty organized
from when I cleaned it up the other week.
Really proud of myself for that.
Are you ready for the bone marrow?
Oh my god, that looks amazing.
There’s some olive oil, fresh garlic,
salt and pepper,
and then I roasted them at 400 degrees for around 30 minutes.
On Thanksgiving, I actually did this with bow marrow,
and then I added to mashed potatoes.
Oh, my god,
it was insane. Oh,
I’m over here. I’ll show you.
We have some store bought challah.
This is coupon it. We have a Mapuha challah.
And then I also got this vanilla crumble challah
and some pastries filled with white chocolate,
this little coffee cake and some cookies.
Tons of dips and salads. These are from Gefen Gourmet.
Here’s the cowboy steak, by the way.
I have it marinating right now in some steak seasoning.
I also got all of this. This is from Gefen Glatt,
which is the meat part of Gefen Gourmet.
So they gave me some.
This they all actually gifted to me when I went in,
just as a thank you for all the post that I do for them.
So this, I think,
is veal with lots of mushrooms,
different kinds of berecas, chulent.
Oh, that looks so good.
And a little stuffed baby chicken.
I’m warming up the chicken soup now,
and I’m adding these lamb dumplings to it.
We had these last weekend,
and they are so good.
This seems to be how we finish the video every week before Shabbos now.
that is beautiful. And it’s probably raw, as it should be.