Title: Finding Stillness and Revelation in the Presence of God

Our god is too big not to brag,
so let’s brag.
Today I speak to that person who’s feeling like they’re burnt out
or to that one person who feels like they.
They’re really just struggling
and just can’t grasp the concept of consistency
when it comes to always remaining in the presence of god,
spending time with him everyday in prayer,
worship, reading the word, etcetera.
We live in a generation where there is so much pressure to just
always be busy, to always keep going,
to always do something. We are literally just consumed by noise,
and it feels like we’re constantly running.
And then in the midst of all of that,
you almost get to a place where you feel stuck,
and you’re going to God like,
I don’t understand how I’m supposed to fill your calling
and do all the assignments and purposes
that you have laid over my life,
but at the same time fulfill what your word says about,
you know, seeking you wholeheartedly daily.
Where do I have the time for that?
How am I supposed to do that?
My word for you today is Psalm 46,
verse 10. Be still and know that he is god.
Now stay with me. I know
this is a scripture that everyone resorts to
when people go through these kinds of thing.
Believe me, I’m sick of the words, rest, meditates,
be still. I’ve.
I’ve heard it all. But this scripture isn’t just a piece of Advice.
It’s actually a principle to coming into revelation of who God is.
The scripture says, be still and know that he is God.
That means in you being still,
you come to the revelation of who God is.
You come to the revelation that he is god,
that he is Lord over your situation,
that he is Lord over you, over your circumstances,
over every single thing that you do.
And the reason we struggle so much with this concept
is because there are so many pressures and things to do around us,
so many responsibilities that are placed upon us.
It is hard to just be still and to just almost not do anything
or just focus on one thing.
Being still in the presence of the Lord and waiting for him to speak
is almost an act of faith,
because you are trusting that as you are still in that moment,
he is taking care of all the other responsibilities
you are sacrificing,
spending time catering towards to be in his presence.
You don’t find time for God,
you create time for him. With the constant battles of the flesh,
you’re never going to be able to find time to just spend with
your routines, are not going to cater towards.
And so you have to be intentional with your sacrifices,
with sacrificing and carving out time to be with God.
Matthew 6, verse 33 talks about when you seek first the kingdom of god
and all Of his righteousness,
all of these things shall be added onto you.
It is an act of faith to be able to sit in that moment of stillness
and genuinely believe that
as you are wholeheartedly focusing on god,
nothing else matters because god is taking care of it.
Now, Galatians 5,
verses 22 to 23 talks about the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
The fruit of the Holy Spirit is love,
and out of that flows patience, kindness, peace,
joy, etcetera.
When we receive Christ and we receive his Holy Spirit,
all of these things are dwelling inside of us.
If one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit is patience,
we are supposed to live a life that resembles patience
in everything that we do. The other day,
the Lord was revealing himself to me as Elohim,
which means the everlasting god,
the eternal god, the god who stands outside of time.
And he did this whilst I was getting ready to go to see a friend.
Now, the trains in my area run every half an hour,
and so every time I get ready,
I always get a ready or set a time around my train times.
Now, I got to
half an hour before I was supposed to leave my house to get the train,
and I’d realised I hadn’t eaten yet and I was quite hungry.
But when I was thinking about previous instances of
where I’ve been in the same exact situation,
where I Have like, half an hour to go until my train, and,
you know, I’m hungry,
so I’m gonna eat. And I’ve made a quick,
quick snack and, you know,
just quickly ate before I’ve gone and left the house.
I was always rushing cause I knew I was short of time,
and I knew that if I missed that next train,
I would be late to where I was going,
cause the next train was in half an hour.
And by me rushing,
I end up either not finishing my food or running for the train,
and it’s just long and it becomes really stressful as well.
And so this time I just wasn’t bothered for that.
I saw the time and I was like, listen,
I’m not stressing. So what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna call my friends
and I’m gonna ask them,
can I come a bit later so that I can get the next train and eat now?
My friend said, that’s fine.
So now I had the peace of mind, like,
okay, cool.
Now I have an hour to eat and just finish getting ready and,
you know, take my sweet time.
So I go to the kitchen, I warm up some leftovers,
take my sweet time. I’m literally chilling.
I’m, like,
watching things as I’m eating.
Like, I’m not bothered about time because I have a lot of time left.
And then I finish eating and I pick up my phone
and I still Have over 15 minutes until I need to leave the house
to catch my first train,
as in the earlier train that I was going to miss
to get the later train so that I can have more time.
And I was really confused.
I was like, God,
how is this possible? Because every single time
I’ve had to eat before I’ve gone and left the house,
I’ve been in a rush. I’ve been in a hurry.
But this time, I slowed down,
and it felt like I was taking so much longer
to do the things I normally do.
And yet, when you expected time to go faster,
it actually went slower. And God began to minister to me,
and he said to me, do you see how when you slow down,
time slows down with you?
When you slow down and you operate in the fruit of patience and peace,
it feels like everything else is almost running smoother.
And so Frida’s God was like,
to see how on your busy days,
when you’re looking at your schedule
and you’re looking at how much time you have or don’t have,
and you feel like spending those extra 30 minutes an hour, hour,
32 hours to spend time with me is such an inconvenience
and takes up so much of your time for that day.
But actually, if you have faith in who I say I am,
if you have faith that I’m the eternal God and I stand Outside of time.
If you have faith that I take care of all of your responsibilities,
that I gave you, all of your ministries,
all of your assignments when you come into my presence,
that I take care of all of that noise,
then actually, you do have time.
Do you believe that when I tell you in Romans 8:28
that all things work together for your good?
And in Jeremiah 29, verse 11,
when I say, I know the plans I have for you,
says the Lord plans of good and not disaster,
do you believe that even if you delay your day,
I can speed up time or rearrange the rest of the plans of your day
to make it work in your favour?
So if you’re that person
who is struggling to sacrifice time to spend with God,
or struggling with stillness
because you’re so worried
about everything else that’s going on around you,
let this be your reminder that it’s in that stillness
that god reveals that he is god,
that he is Lord over everything.
And that when you are with him,
you are safe in his presence.
And in fact, it’s in that stillness
where god equips you to take care of all of your responsibility.
I’ve said this previously,
that instruction from god comes with provision from him.
God is not gonna give you a family,
a ministry, a business,
and then not give you the tools,
the energy, the Grace that you Need to be able to sustain it.
And besides, it’s because of him that you have all of that. Anyways,
the truth is, if you can’t be still in God’s presence,
you don’t truly know god. It’s the small,
intentional sacrifices we make every single day.
Even if it starts off with just 5,
10 minutes, 15 minutes,
20 minutes, just to build up your capacity.
That is how we come into revelation of who god is.
So I encourage you, come off TikTok for those 10 minutes
and just spend time in his presence.
Wake up those 15 minutes earlier
and just spend that time in his presence.
Or don’t. Don’t change your schedule at all,
but still spend those 10 minutes,
those 20 minutes, and watch how god reveals himself to you.
God bless you.