Soulful Connections: Navigating Emotional and Spiritual Intimacy in a Transactional Culture

Who’s modeling of the emotional spiritual . The emotional spiritual sex is what drives real sex. And if you don’t have it together in words and deeds, being emotionally intelligent and spiritually grounded, it’s not gonna work. And so night after night, people of all different ages are online wondering, where’s the one? I wonder myself, where are they? Where is the healthy, attractive, spiritually grounded, emotionally intelligent man? And the honest truth is, it seems like there’s not that many and that will be the fit for me or you or whomever. And women are wondering, well, when are they gonna call? And isn’t that the next thing? And he said this and that a man who’s invested in you who call, they’ll be right over there won’t be any question cuz you’re the one. These are just general principles, but without looking at it in a very serious way, maybe get your heart broken and yeah, were driven biologically to want to connect intimately and to find the one his women and vice versa. The right men wanna do that too.

But we’re largely in a consumer, soulless user transactional culture. Love is something that happens over time. It’s someone who’s your best friend, who’s gonna be there when you have to go to the hospital. Who’s gonna be there when you’re crying your eyes out about something that a memory they had from the past? Last someone who’s gonna be there, gets your character, your head in your heart and it’s gonna be study and it’s gonna be like, I got you. Don’t worry about that.

Cuz most people in our American culture have not worked on themselves spiritually or soulfully. So if you do have a person and they’re the wrong one and they haven’t done that, you’re sleeping with a Happy Meal toy. It’s not a real soulful person. Who is that person and what skills they have? Let pick a bit during that dark night of the soul when everything is coming down at once, the sex is the easy part and that’s, who doesn’t want that? But where are they when the trips are down? What humor and ways of seeing do they have? What are they on your same emotional, spiritual radio station?

Nothing of doubts. And so we have a throwaway culture of people just where can I go? What can I buy? Nothing. Talk, gossip. That’s why someone who’s gonna be the soft place to follow, think about that and think about and know that most people are going for years, a decade more, 30 year olds who’ve never been intimate. This is what’s going on. And all the conversations I’ve had, exploration I’ve done, this is what’s underneath the underbelly of American society, which drives emotion dysregulation and violence. People need to know their loved and it comes out of solid emotional modeling and someone being there for you were for banners.

I got you. I see you. Come on right here. Tell me what’s on your part. How do you think? How do you feel? Slowly paste out in a kinda getting to know you way like Mister Rogers would do, knowing that at the end of the day, everybody is just 5 years old inside and knowing that in your first meeting someone, you don’t throw a whole barrage of questions asking someone to stand and deliver. That’s not the path to intimacy, nor is it making it like a job interview. It’s vibrational energy that someone is a good character, a good heart, standing for being loving, kind.