Five Vital Questions to Ask Before Any Surgery

so when you go in for a consultation
although there’s a million questions to ask
there are five things that I think are just generally important across the board
and irrespective of the surgery you’re having
number one is when I go for follow up
who’s seeing me in other words
am I ever gonna see the doctor again
and in many instances the doctor and you never see each other again unless
of course there’s some catastrophe
I think that’s a problem in addition is how many follow UPS
I think if there’s too few a follow up
that’s also very concerning
I for example
see patients between four to five times after surgery
which is unheard of number two is
um how long is a surgery
and if the surgery is too quick
that’s a concern right
if you’ve gone to three people and the average is about three hours
and some guy says they’re gonna do an hour and a half
well obviously there’s some corner that’s being cut
the next thing is how long is my recovery
and if they’re telling you oh
you’ll be back to working out in like
I don’t know five days a week
that’s a lie because they don’t want you to not do the surgery because they
it’s too inconvenient the next thing is
who’s the anesthesiologist
if they’re like I don’t know
we’ll find out that day for example
my anesthesiologist has been working for me and with me
essentially for 18 years so we know exactly who they are
so I don’t just pick them randomly
the day off and lastly
and by far and by the most important
is who is closing me and you better ask that
dead in their eye and nine out of 10 surgeons have someone who helped them
I am the only one that closes patients
irrespective of how long or how big a case