Challenging Societal Myths: The Truth About Self-Made Millionaires

Most self made millionaires
earn their first million dollars within five years.
Now, I’m gonna pause.
I want you to think about this for a second.
Doesn’t that seem to go against this whole get rich quick is bad,
rotten evil, shouldn’t pursue it, man,
you know what my experience is?
It’s really weird. You have the poor people,
and by that I mean middle class and down,
that believe all these weird ideas like, well,
it takes money to make money,
and more money more problems.
And, you know,
you know, rich people, they. They,
they can’t go to heaven, right?
And. And this is another one of those ideas that it’s like, oh,
if it’s too good to be true,
it is. If you make your money too fast,
it’s bad, or you’re doing something illegal,
or it’s the dirty, rotten,
stinking, filthy rich.
Those are ideas that come from jealous people
that would like to have money but don’t have a way.