Adventures of Eva: A Whimsical Morning Routine

Good morning, friends from the state of US. You can tell that we had a really good sleep. Not anyway, this girl here, Eva, my beautiful daughter, as you guys know, who is level 2 ast and has global developments of air, right? She decided to have one of those beautiful nights where she wakes up at 2 a. M. And parties. Okay, exhausted. Yeah, the funny thing is like when I wake up like all day, Chinese comes like say they don’t talk so much, but when I wake up at night, it’ll like chatter boxes, a label, I’m dying. I got even some freak but avatars on a proto low queue to go to book.

Two buns, two pounds, two buns, two. She still very danced from all the party. She’s a party girl. But yeah, she loves to like say all the words that she’s weren’t her whole life when she wakes up, those struggles at night.

You toy it, Alia, you wanna stay home or you wanna go school? All right, please get up and get changed. And she all, I’m not sorry. I mean, alright, she’s obsessed. She does something like she’s not meant to you in a car while I’m driving. Like she’s like fiddling or whatever. And I say the police are gonna come and she gets so scared. She’s never met a police person before, but she just gets so scared and she’ll sit up straight. So it’s good. If I try that on paper, people wouldn’t give.

Bun 2 bins. They have a fun day today. They’ve got some inflatable day for the like for good attendance and stuff. I don’t know if ask count because we’re never there on time. So like if they accumulate all those every day that we’re not there on time, they’re not, that would just make our tenants sugar. Sorry, lava. Sorry much mainly done.

You guys see earlier at the Brain Hub yesterday, she did so well. I see her walk backwards. It only takes three weeks for like most of the kids to get the hang of that. She did it so quickly. She actually enjoyed it. She just like does the most dangerous things, not even thinking, not like she doesn’t even blink. She just doesn’t. She’s like super cheerful about her. Okay news. My goodness. And I was cutting. Yeah, let’s come finish at least turn you guys, Elias, turn. I’m pretty happy with the choice of clothes that she chose for me. Is this what you wanna me to wear? Do you like my shirts right here? Just a little bit bubble. So I’m gonna win playing with crystals. Let’s pay you guys. We are running late. Coral Line, Corline. You like Corline now, what are we chasing? What are you gonna have?

Pigtails? Both. Are you doing it? You’re gonna split your hair. Perfect. Let me have it properly. Yeah, you’re doing great. Like a liquor wager. And then they go over here. They go for here.

There we go. Two pictures for Alia Bear. All right, we’re gonna go school and then we’re gonna go to Brain Hub. Where are we going today? School. And then after we’re gonna go to brain.

In a morning shed. Sick. Yes. Stinky teeth, she says comes to a large. Like stinky teeth. She runs and goes and brushes achieve, which is good.

Who’s that? Yes, a friend killing a mighty. Don’t put too much, please, Elena. Don’t put too much. Yeah, that’s enough. That’s enough. But earlier, it’s not for you. You need Vaseline more than anything, my friend. You have very dry lips. Brush it back. Evolution. And then you can guard. My goodness. Look at you. Yes, please. Can we zip up your jacket, please? Mama of.