Shiny Pokemon Gen 9 Blind Ranking: Dusty Delights and Vibrant Beauties

Hi. We’re back.
Blind ranking shiny Pokemon,
gen 9. This is a gray.
I think this could be fun.
This could be fun. I’m gonna give it a 5.
Oh, I love it.
I love sitetail. I love shiny sitetail.
I just recently caught a shiny sitetail,
and I love it. It’s one of my favorite shinies of gen 9.
Deserves better. Okay,
I’m not really a fan of this.
I don’t. It looks like dusty mayonnaise.
Let’s give it a 9. Iron hands. Oh,
it’s kind of shady of me, you know,
I get where they’re going for the paradox shinies.
I’m just not a big fan of them.
But if you like them, that’s great.
This is pea soup. This is dusty pea soup.
Let’s give it a 10.
That’s valid. I.
You know what? I actually kind of like that for low kicks,
but it’s still really ugly.
Oh, A dusty orange.
How come all the Gen 9 shinies are dusty?
Okey doggy. Okay.
Okey dokey. Uh,
Dusty green beans 7. Oh,
look, I know how we feel about,
you know, like,
the Miss Miss Magius and mischievous shinies,
but I don’t care. I know they’re not.
They’re not the prettiest, but it’s flutter mane.
I would have given her one. Yes!
I love this. This beautiful magenta.
I’m gonna put that at one.
I don’t care what it is. It’s already.
It’s gonna be best. The best one.
Dusty navy.
Theme of the runway is Dusty.
Oh, I like this too.
Let’s give it a two. Oh, yes.
Okay, okay.
Deserve number one, honestly.
okay. Four.
Okay. Okay.
Yes. Yes.
I really like shiny smallove,
but then it just does its evolutions.
Yeah, they’re not that good. Shiny.
Jesus. Why are.
What is it? Okay, okay.
All right.
Yes! Skeletorch, yes!
Raging bolt. Yes! Noodle neck.