Unplugged: A Conversation About Live Music and Guitar

So I know you love to put live performance,
live music in your special.
Yes. Congrats on the new special.
Thank you. I’m curious,
when the cameras aren’t rolling,
when no one’s watching, what’s your favorite song to play on the guitar?
Oh, what always changes?
I always sit and try to throw on
that you YouTube and try to learn songs,
you know, stuff I heard growing up that I didn’t know.
I try to learn the licks and shit like that
and uh,
there’s so many that I go,
oh wow, I don’t.
I don’t know if I can handle that.
What have you been learning recently?
You know, I still don’t know.
Blackbird by the Beatles and.
And all my friends who play guitar,
they pull it out and they do it perfectly and.
And so I watched a little of it the other day and I was like,
maybe that’s why. I don’t know,
cause that thing is hard. Yeah,
it’s a hard one. That’s a tough.
You play too? Yeah,
I actually. I Learned a little bit of that one. Just.
Oh yeah, just the beginning.
Fucking cool ass shit going on
and timing is weird
and I don’t know if I’m gonna get that one right in my lifetime.
I think you got it. Okay.
I seen you, I seen you on stage.
I can get. I can.
I can shred a little bit, but I fucking fall out of it too, man.
Oh, Cool. Okay.
Great to meet you. Appreciate it.
Nice to meet you. Good luck with everything.
Thank you. Thank you.