Finding Purpose Beyond Pay: Navigating the ‘Why Do You Want to Work Here?’ Question in Job Interviews

Why do you want to work
here is a stupid question on job interview to ask.
I mean, we all know the answer.
It’s money. It’s always money.
Most of us wouldn’t do a job if we weren’t getting paid.
But you’re going to be asking,
so you should be ready for it.
So here’s how I approach it.
Without sounding like a robot reading a script,
and without sounding like you’re just lying.
While knowing that we can’t just say for money.
I find one or two interesting things about the company
that I know matter to me.
And that can be as simple as the industry they’re in,
the technology they’re working with,
something you’ve heard about them,
philanthropy, projects they do, whatever.
And making it clear that you still have more to learn as well.
Here’s what it would sound like.
I saw the job post, and I love the software that you all use,
and I’m really interested in being in the gaming industry.
I thought my skill set made a good match,
so I should apply.
And I’m really excited that now we have the chance to talk
so I can learn some more about you and anyone I meet on the team,
to really get a better feel for what it’s like to work at this company.
Honest. It’s not begging,
it’s not lying, and it’s also just not saying
the thing that you know can’t really be the answer.
Which is because I Need money
and maybe one day they’ll just stop asking out interviews.