Navigating CEO Applications: Advice from Eileen

Okay, I’m with Eileen from the CEO.
And the CEO. First round offers are coming out on Wednesday.
Eileen, what three pieces of advice would you give to CEO applicants?
Oh, well,
I suppose for starters, um,
I would advise applicants to locate their CIO application number
and log into their account in advance of the offers coming out,
so that if you’ve, uh,
forgotten your password or gotten locked out of your account,
you can get that resolved, um,
before it gets very busy as round 1 offer stage.
So that then you’ll be able to log into your account, um,
when the offers come out,
to view and accept an offer if you have received an offer.
Um, so general advice then,
for when the offers actually come out.
We have two main queries at the offer stage.
Uh, the first one is,
um, applicants are often hesitant to accept a lower preference offer.
So, for example,
if you received maybe your third preference offer in round 1,
my advice would be to look at that offer as potentially
the only offer you might get
and accept it if you’re happy with it.
This won’t prevent you from receiving a higher preference offer,
from receiving your second or your first preference in a later round
if place becomes available and you’re deemed eligible.
And we get this all the time.
People are afraid. They think if they accept an offer in round 1,
this means they won’t Get any further offers.
But no, if you get a lower preference offer,
you can accept that
and you’ll still be considered for higher preference offers
in a later round. So that’s the number one query that we get.
Um, the other query that we get is around applicants wanting to.
Who’ve received an offer that they weren’t expecting to get.
Um, so they might have received their first preference course offer,
and when they had been listing their courses,
they didn’t expect to receive this,
and for whatever reason,
they did better in the results or in the points drop for the course.
Uh, they’ve never received an offer for their first preference,
but what they really wanted was their second preference.
And unfortunately, in this situation,
it’s not possible to go down in your order of preference.
So if you’ve received, you know,
say, your third preference course,
but you wanted your fourth,
it won’t be possible to get an offer of your fourth preference
in a leisure round.
So you can only go up one preference in leisure rounds.