EU Regulations and Apple: The Debate on Deleting Safari and Camera Apps

Photos Camera
Safari will be deleteable for users in the EU
what do the EU want I understand the EU are helping us like hey
you helped us get USB C yay
but what why we oppress
what are we pressuring apple for this
first of all let’s say okay
let’s say for some reason you don’t use the App Store
what if you wanna download something but you delete the app Store
what let’s say you don’t use the messages app
but why would you delete it
it’s just an
it’s not gonna tell me one person who has an opposition fight without messages
app Safari
okay fair enough
maybe you use Chrome the camera app
I know nobody I don’t know
who’s deleting the camera
look the EU helped us
we got USB C on the iPhone 15
that was a big thing you can download Fortnite on your phones as well
EU really helped us with that because Fortnite was what we needed on the iPhones
but I don’t know why apple got pressed
to be able to allow EU members to delete the fundamentals of the iPhone
like the App Store and photos and camera
I don’t know I ain’t gonna do that
if you guys want you can