Navigating Family Dynamics, Aging Centers, and Outdoor Projects: A Personal Update

Hi, everyone. I hope that your Monday evening is going well and that you had an awesome day. And if your Monday is over with and you are moving on to your Tuesday, I hope that the start of your week was great and we’re in our last full week of June. And then also it’s almost a full moon here.

So you know what that means. But I wanted to check in and just see how everybody was doing. And that also my parents did go out to one of the communities that I had researched and had them kind of check out on the map. And I also sent them that information that I was working on overnight. They took the address to the aging center and went over and talked with someone just for a minute. I, it’s not clear to me if they need to go back, but they at least went in and like, quote unquote, got some information. I don’t really know like what information they got. They’re they went during like the heat of the day and just like, I don’t really feel like I’m glad they went, but they definitely went like during the heat of the day when they weren’t really like, I don’t know, like 100% prepared, but they went, which is great and I’m happy for that.

So I’m not exactly sure what the information they actually took away from it except for that my dad picked up a schedule for the, like the senior center calendar of events. And we were, I was telling him that on PBS there is like cherry yoga with stretching and turns out this senior center has Cherry yoga in person. And so I don’t know if he was like joking about the cheery yoga thing when I was talking to him about it, he seemed interested, but then also like, I’m not sure he could handle it. But then he noted it again on the schedule at the senior center that there was Cherry Yoga. So I don’t know, maybe it like they Learned a lot more than they’re letting on and that at least it started to get the conversation open that there are resources and people available that may not be trying to scam you and that aren’t gonna charge like $1 million to talk with you know. So overall it seems like the visit went good, but they came back and we’re just like totally wiped out. And I think it was just from like the heat and not being prepared. So I didn’t wanna like bother them with a million questions. And then also my partner and I are moving on to our next project outside. So we’ve been like trying to get that up started with pulling weeds and digging up dirt and trying to like level out MUD and stuff like that. So sorry, I’m like a mess. But yeah, so that’s kind of what’s happening there.

But I did wanna also say that, you know, my mom’s behavior, the way she’s treating me now is true. It’s, she’s always treated me like this, but it’s just like amped up. And so that gets frustrating, but it’s nothing necessarily new.

It’s just like I’ve been away from home since I started college. After I graduated high school, I never moved back home for any reason. And then even though I still lived in the same state as them, I really didn’t like, except for the times where I had to go and do work at their house, I wasn’t really around them like a lot. You know, I was around them to go work on their house, do the things that they needed me to do. And then like that was pretty much it. And so, and because of the last couple of years, I was in grad school and now I’m, you know, my partner and I are living out here. We hadn’t been back to see them because of like this whole situation and living far away. And in 20, what was that like a few years ago, the whole ordeal with like they were gonna move and I had to put all my personal stuff into a storage unit out there, just like that whole story that you all know if you’ve been following along. So that’s when I went like low contact because I was frustrated that they made me pay for this really expensive storage unit by telling me that they were going to be moving out and selling their house. This was a few years ago. And then like it not actually happening because they didn’t follow through. And so I went low contact for a while because I was just so frustrated and upset. But then, you know, now, then this whole other bigger problem came up when they were truly about to lose their home. So, yeah, but I just wanted to, but yeah, the energy, the negative energy, the hateful energy, trying to blame me, trying to like find fault in something that I may have done is never been, it’s always been there, but it’s just really amped up now with my mom. So, but I am glad that they went over to the aging senior center for the county that they’re looking at moving to. And they got some resources. And I’ll try to ask my dad tomorrow what they Learned, but they were so wiped out this afternoon from going that I didn’t wanna like play 20 questions. And then also I was working in the yard before I have to go back to work next week. So we’re doing like a power push to get some of this outside project stuff handled before I have to go back to work. So anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful evening.

Thank you so much for everything. I greatly appreciate all of your thoughts, comments, support, and I hope that you are doing well and that you are taking good care. And I truly cannot believe that we are towards the end of the month already and that we’re here at another full moon cycle, which is wild, and hope everyone hangs onto their hats for that. And yeah, thank you so much. It really means a lot. And I’ll talk to you all in the morning. Take a care. I.