How to Increase Your Earnings Tenfold: Essential Steps for Successful Relationship Building and Monetization

Guys, if you follow these steps,
you will make 10 times more money than you even thought you could.
If you guys can just learn these steps,
get somebody’s attention, deliver an insight that’s valuable to them
whether they do business with you or not.
Even if he doesn’t do business with me,
if I start the relationship by delivering that insight,
they’re gonna take my call from now until the end of time.
Because I deliver value when I talk to them.
Then I’m gonna monetize the problem
or monetize the result that they wanna achieve.
Okay, now,
I’m going to close without being pushy or manipulative
by asking Dave if he thinks it makes sense
to sign up for my newsletter
so we can capture the 200 grand.