Magical Predictions: Identifying Teachers by Sound and Unveiling Surprising Discoveries

Oh, Miss Chesire is coming down the hall.
Whoa! My god!
Why did you know that? Dude,
you’re a wizard. I can tell what teacher is coming down the hall
based on the sound of their heels.
So who’s that? Gym teacher Johnson.
Better see you at practice tonight.
What the. Whoa! Horse?
No, that’s the theater teacher.
What? Oh,
my god. I didn’t realize that.
This one’s easy. It’s the janitor.
I can hear the mop on it. Yeah, but she’s wearing heels.
Always make sure to push in the chairs before you leave.
How did you know that?
That’s freaking crazy. That’s so weird.
Who’s that? Principal Mitchell.
Guys, we’re going into a lockdown drill.
Wait, what?
EWW. Is that a locker room?
Whoa! How’d you know? How did you know that?
Oh, that’s a Freeman from the planet irakas.
Tommy, that’s so disrespectful.
On their planet, you’re not supposed to do that.