Drill Sergeant Jack: Teaching Tough Love and Discipline

Ooh, nice, nice.
Now, Jack,
while they’re doing it, you’re gonna go full drill sergeant,
alright? Keep. Keep it going.
Foot straight. Yes, sensei.
Back, foot straight.
Chill out. Say, yes, sensei.
Yes, sensei.
Say it! Yes, sensei.
I didn’t tell you to stop.
Did I tell you boys to stop?
Food! Food!
Hit him! Good.
Say, you will learn to love me.
You will learn to love me.
You will learn to love me.
harder! Come on,
you maggots! Come on, maggots!
Get that foot square! When I say yes,
you say sensei. When I say yes,
you say, sensei. Yes! Yes! Yes!