Behind the Scenes: A Drag Makeup Transformation for the Next Single Cover Photoshoot

I have a photoshoot tomorrow for my next single cover. So practice my makeup with me. I’m gonna be doing drag makeup. So the first step is to block out my brows. Use alcohol on your eyebrows before you put the glue on because the glue will not stick if there’s any like natural oils on your skin. And then got my little glue stick.

So I’m gonna go ahead and do my base makeup now and then I’ll move on to the eyes.

Okay, so now that I look terrifying, the eyes that I’m gonna do, I’m gonna be copying a look that I did a while ago. I have this palette. It’s the ultimate vintage Jean baby. It has some really good, like dark blue colors. I’m gonna start by kind of like making the shape of my eyes and I start with the dark colors. So that way I know where to place everything else.

Start here. Next, what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna use this super light concealer that I have. I’m going to put that on my lid. So now I’m going to use, so you like all these three right here, and I’m gonna kind of like meet these two in the middle. So for like 14 years of my life, I was a ballet dancer. And they had us do some of the craziest makeup looks. And we were just like 13,14,15 year old girls. Like, and they wanted us to do the most elaborate stuff with our makeup. And looking back, I just think it’s so funny because I remember even at the time, girls thinking like, why do they want us to do this? Like we look terrible. And they literally want us to do like green eyeshadow and then black eyeliner and then a bright red lip. And it didn’t match any of our costumes.

So now I have more of the shape kind of outlined. This just basic white powder, which it’ll put over that concealer first before I put anything else on it. That way it doesn’t get all like muddy. Alright, I have the eyeshadow pretty much done. I’m just gonna go ahead and swipe the white glitter here. I’m also gonna take the same white shimmer and I’m gonna put it right here above my eyeshadow because that’s where I’m gonna draw my eyebrows on. And so it’s nice to have like a little highlight that would resemble otherwise a brow bone with these gemstones. I’m going to make a line that goes right here. Takes forever. So I’m gonna do that and then I’m gonna come back. Okay, so I finally got all the stones on. I’m gonna go ahead and draw my eyebrows on and then we’ll do lashes. Okay, these brows are pretty whack, but this is what we’re working with. What blend out my nose contour now. So for blush, I’m gonna use also from this palette, this which is apparently a face pigment. Okay, so kind of forgot to record, but I got my lashes on and I’m just doing my lips now. I’m using a lip liner from Revlon and lipstick also from Revlon. And the color is called Rum Raisin. Okay, cut the lips, done. This hat I got custom made from an Etsy seller. Name is Delights World. This is gonna look so cool tomorrow.