Unpacking the Truth About Debt: The Emotional and Financial Impact of Money Mindsets

and this is what most people don’t get
you are not going into debt because you can’t do basic math
that’s why a budget is never going to solve your problems
more often than not people have debt based on their emotional decisions
a lot of times
that’s wanting to keep up with your partners or your friends or your co workers
cause without all the stuff
you feel unworthy or you feel like you are being left behind
and when you start doing this at a young age
even when you start to make more money as you get older
it doesn’t matter because tomorrow’s dollar is already spent
you are always playing catch up and then that debt continues to grow
because let’s get real if you haven’t addressed the underlying mindsets
or underlying behaviors that caused you to go in a debt in the first place
more money doesn’t mean more freedom
more money just means more liabilities
you will upgrade your car and your house and your wardrobe
before you ever consider upgrading your savings
paying down debt that’s gonna feel like you’re just losing out
even though you’re the one that spent the money
and because you didn’t wanna say no before
soon you’re gonna be forced to say no to the things that really matter
you’ll miss out on the experiences that bring true joy
because you’re too busy trying to pay for the ones that didn’t
and that is the heartbreaking truth that no one is talking about
I didn’t grow up in a family that had a lot of money
and I didn’t grow up feeling like I was ever enough
so when I started making more money
I started spending more money to prove to other people how great I was
it feels like if you don’t keep up
then you’re gonna be exposed
but babe I’m here to tell you something okay
your worth isn’t determined by the car you drive
the house you live in the clothes you wear
if you are living off of what you cannot afford
you are not just borrowing money
you are borrowing stress and trust me
that is a debt that you do not want to owe
when you align your spending to your values and your goals
and you pay your future self first
you have created a reality where what you want and what you can afford are