Unpacking the Controversies: Perspectives on Politics, Religion, and History

Wrong. So you think it’s wrong? I posted a video about my opinion about the fact that Hunter Biden being convictive of a crime was insignificant as far as Joe Ban’s concern. But the fact, you know, compared the fact that Donald Trump has been convicted of a crime and he’s running for president and he interfered with our election. I mean, January 6th with all Donald Trump was Giovanni now, I mean, seriously, miss, you say wrong without giving me any more detail. You’ve got no argument. It’s not an intelligent response to anything. It’s just one word. You’re wrong, darling. I’m not gonna tell you why. You just are.

Cuz I’m God. Nobody’s gone, darling. Donald Trump certainly is. And he wasn’t appointed by god. Cuz ironically, if someone’s appointed by god, it’s a violation of the Constitution. You know that there’s this thing called the royalty clause. Royal people are appointed by religion, ported by how they were born. That’s like the Hindu CAS system. You were born into a certain class there or you’re destiny. This, you can’t change who you are. I’m a boot is not a Hindu. Buddhists either don’t believe in any, in reincarnation or rebirth or beer leaving.

Rebirth, not reincarnation. And there’s a subtle difference. Reincarnation, you come back being who you were before in a different life, at a different stage, and you gotta fight your way into another one. In other words, you have to prove yourself. Rebirth means basically you come back, you have, it’s a clean slate. You start over. You could either become in Latin or you could stay where you are. But how you’re born is irrelevant. You just come back.

Yeah, I just explain my religion to me. You, you. Because you understand the fact I’m not a Christian and this country is not a Christian. The 1st Amendment, the United States gives separation, church, state, the federal government, because federal government is never, ever supposed to be under a church. The US government is not supposed to acknowledge the fact that the, acknowledge the Bible or the Torah or the Koran as an institution of law. It is, it, none of those documents are valid in a courtroom in the United States of America, nor they should north or should they be? They’re also not valid documents we have in a public school only in an historical context to teach something important about American history so that you understand where we stand as a country. So you saying I’m wrong, not wrong, it’s irrelevant. You can cave, wrong rat, whatever. That’s all you say. Where’s the substance behind that?

By the way, all I have to do is look at who you follow to find out where your politics stand and consider that you’re following a bunch of Trump supporters on here. That tells me a lot. It tells me everything. By the way, I was not born in the southern confi. I mean, I was born and technically in a southern Confederate state, but I was raised in the only state south of the Mason Dixon line that did not leave me. The only state that actually was in the south that was not a traitor to the constitution, Maryland. Went to school in Maryland, got an a and AP history class in Towson High School. So I know the facts and I know the truth about this country. And it is not a country in which any president should be waving around the Bible.

Lie gets an important document in the American institution of presidency. It isn’t. It’s irrelevant. Hey, if you look at history, actually, you could pretty much validate, at least I think so, based on what I’ve seen of history, an archaeologist, that nothing in the Bible is true prior to 600 BC there is no proof of anything that the Israelis and the Jews say about their history before 600 BC, which basically means the Jewish religion have happened at the same time. The Buddhist religion happened and the Hindu religion happened all the same time because the human race actually evolved in a crazy kind of way at the same level. With the exception of the Americans, which are separated by themselves, cuz and space it the Chinese actually got as far as Middle East when Genghis Khan was invaded. So Europe knew about Asia, didn’t know about America to 1472. 14, yeah, 1472. I just wanna say 1492 for some reason, unless wrong. But anyways, I think I wasted too much time on these and I’m tired of using this accent. I really am. Oh, a group listening. Too many people talk like that with nothing really to say. My grandfather, by the way, was a politician and he was a Republican. But he took me around to African American communities and let me sit in his car reading books. He gave me the Rubayat of Armar Kariam, which was written by a scientist in the, from the Middle East and Arab scientist. He gave me Mark Twain, he gave me Shakespeare, he gave me Sherlock Holmes. So I was reading British literature in early American history. Literally gave me Tom Swift, he gave me Nancy Drew books, Edgar Allan Poe, he let me read. And he loved the fact that was a voracious reader because he knew as a woman, even though I’m a woman, that I had a brain that needed to be fed. So if you have an actual intelligent argument to give me, bring it. But I don’t think you do. You’re just another cult follower of Orange Guy.