Controversy Surrounding Choreography: Unraveling the Misconceptions and Misjudgments in K-pop

If y’all don’t leave young Jun the fuck alone,
I’m about to riot because.
Tell me why. I just saw this tweet right now
that said that Cat’s Eyes choreographer
was the one that was teaching these male idols
that are covering Cat’s eyes new song touch.
It was that choreographer that was teaching these male idols
a whole different choreo than the actual
original choreo. Quick synopsis?
Especially young Jun, but a bunch of male K pop idols in general
were getting dragged for doing the choreography to Cat’s eyes touch,
the song touch. But like,
they were quote unquote masculinizing it.
God knows what the fuck that means.
Again, my source is a tweet,
so I could be wrong, but based off of this video,
if it’s true that Cat’s Eyes choreographer
was the one that was teaching all of these male idols
a whole different choreo than the actual choreo for touch,
that means y’all was coming at young Jun especially hard
for no fucking reason. Not that there was ever any valid reason
for you to be coming at any of these idols
to begin with. Like,
let’s go outside and touch some grass.
Let’s say that I’m wrong.
Let’s say that’s how Yoongi decided he wanted to do the choreography
to touch my cat’s eye.
Mind your business and move about your life.
It’s never that serious. Reminder that dance is a form of expression.
That was maybe his take on how he wanted to
Upload his cover of Cat’s Eyes Touch.
At the end of the day,
one thing Yoonjun’s gonna do time and time again is eat a dance cover.