Memories with Louis: A Musical Journey

Talking of, um.
Of your dog Louis, um,
like I was just telling you,
my dog Louis, I got him when I was 21.
And he, um.
He was with me in every single studio session that I wrote,
all of 21.
And he was with me the whole time.
He’s actually on rolling in the deep,
you can hear him howl because when I’m hitting a high note, he went out
and he used to sit on my lap while I was recording everything.
And. And that can be one of my favourite memories.
And before I introduce this next song to you,
which is all about being nostalgic,
it’s about yearning, it’s about longing.
But it’s also about being very,
very present
and being able to reflect on all the things that did happen,
but also that didn’t happen.
Because sometimes you can be regretful.
But I think regret is such a.
Such a useless emotion because you can’t change anything about it.
So why. Why wear yourself out like that?
Um, but you can look back on it and you can think about it and stuff