Examining the Best Position for Christian: Out Wide or in the 10?

I like him out wide. I think that’s where he does his best work.
It’s not that he can’t play in the 10,
and it’s not also not that when he even starts out wide,
he doesn’t drift in, and we certainly seen that with the US.
But is this giving him too much responsibility
and putting him in a place where he can’t succeed
as opposed to out wide?
Or is this just trying to get as many good players on the field
and are we just being greedy?
It’ll be interesting to see if he stays in that 10 position,
how Pochttino reacts that with the national team.
Is he one of those managers
that likes to play his players in the same position
that they’re playing week in and week out for their clubs?
Yeah, I just always felt that with Christian, he.
He does need space,
and he thrives in space and in that off wing type of position.
I think when.
When there’s more bodies and there’s more of a forest there,
I think it gets.
It gets quicker and more complex for the type of player he is.
So I. I don’t like it,
but I love the fact that he’s on the field.