Christmas Day 2014: A Kobe Nines Memory

So this is actually Christmas Day 2014.
Lakers are playing in Chicago.
Um, Kobe didn’t play,
but he had a pair of Kobe Nines.
He was gonna wear the. The red Christmas, uh,
Kobe Nines. I forget the actual name,
I think it’s. But, um,
literally brought him out the locker room in his hand.
Here you go.
Crazy. Crazy.
Everyone’s thinking like, oh,
what are you gonna do with them?
Whatever. I was like,
I’m wearing these next game.
I play, like,
the same size. I’m wearing them.
I wear them. And then I.
We had a holiday tournament.
I. I think my high school coach had, like,
a team rule, like,
we couldn’t really wear outside cut. Like, yeah,
completely broke that. Just wore, like,
the red shoes. You were green and gold.
I was wearing red. Um,
but I. We won the holiday tournament.
I was wearing those shoes.
And, yeah,
that was like.
That was. That was a cool moment.
He just came out and said,
here you go. Wow.
Like, he left a little,
like, Kobe Dustin there for.
Oh, for sure.
I was. I was hoping for sure. I was hoping for sure.