Breathing Fire and Finding Courage: A Marine’s Call to Duty

you will breathe fire day in and day out for the next two months
you will breathe fire in your sleep
you will feel fatigue you will feel fear
at the end of the day you will continue to breathe fire
gonna go ah
getting pit on the battlefield is gonna be very challenging
but don’t ever forget this
you are obligated to protect and start the Marine on the left and right
flag of you 24 seven
good to go
I tell you right now no matter what the outcome is
and we can’t live in this fantasy world where we have to be ready
we have to come to grip with peace
you guys are gonna be tasked and tested to a
a degree you’ve never been tested before
but I tell you right now we will all come home together
I’ll say it again we will all come home together
you guys will do the unit proud
you do your country proud
don’t let fear getting that brain of yours
the enemy is not 10 feet tall
he’s 42 he has a short reach
and you’re gonna fuck him up
good to go
I mean it when I say I love you
as your parents love you my number one goal in life is to
is to get you back home to mom and dad
this will be the last time that we’re together in mass
before we cross the line of departure
now is the time to exploit the opportunity you have and get right with your god
if you’re an atheist play along
power of prayer is exactly that please bow your pants