Embracing Our Divine Essence: A Morning Reflection by the Pool in Vegas

Good morning my beautiful people
it is a beautiful morning here in Vegas
and I am starting my day right with some refreshing morning tea by the pool
you see the gentle breeze is just what I need to energize me for my Saturday
house clean you know how it goes
the music blasting everything pulled out the cabinets
a complete cleanup in progress
right well
I’m sipping on my favourite yogi tea this morning
and the quote on the bag really resonate with me
“Know that you are a child of the universe”
but you know what I like to add my own twist to that
I believe we can replace universe with God
how does this sound “Know that you are a child of God”
You know God lives within each and every one of us
regardless of Color Creed
Sex or Religion think about that
how powerful it is is to tap into the God that resides within us
so let’s embrace our divine essence today as we soak up this beautiful morning
alright so grab your tea
feel that breeze and let
let the spirit of love and unity inspire us as we tackle our weekend chores
cheers to a fruitful Saturday everyone Have a good one