Lost Opportunities: The Game’s Struggles with Alliances and Infrastructure in Compton

In the West Coast is behind Kendrick. Huge ale for Drake. And that’s my issue again. And Compton, you know who game is in Compton? He’s equivalent of freedom in the Godfather. He’s afraid of. That’s who you are. You’re afraid of.

Instead of you coming out here setting the tone like Frado should have been out Vegas setting the tone and get ready for Mike to show up. with Mogrin, talking about, with trade, talking about you’re the game. You’re from the West Coast, you’re from cotton. You set the tone for this back in the early 2. You planet your flag and then you self sabotage in the beginning by not riding with 50 as it relates to the. Do you even have to ride with 50?

But hey, I’m thinking I with city, but you drop the ball on that. I get it. Dropped a bunch of freestyles and it came up with a phenomenal album, the Doctor’s Advocate. Turn your back on tray, turn your back on 50. Then you started building up your career, drop a phenomenal album, Doctors Advocate, and then another one, back to back with lax. And then here comes that New West. Here comes the New West with glasses, with nip intention and J. Rock, right? Tom Kennedy, right. Mustard, right. YQI, the young guy, he coming up, right. And instead of you setting up, planting another flag as it relates to infrastructure, given these guys a platform, you did that with LX for the tour, but even making your Mark known. This is Compton. I’m gonna do the deal with TDE, the side venture with TDE and Black Wall Street, which was your imprint at the time. I’m gonna do the joint venture deal with them. I’m gonna invest in them. I’m gonna put my money behind punch. I’m gonna put my money behind a top dog. They got it. We gonna push the . We gonna make it go. Kendrick is really with trade, but everybody else, we’re gonna make it move. And you didn’t do the deal which would have said precedent, which now you have a real stake in this . You have real infrastructure in this . You didn’t do. Why? Because of the team that you have around you who whack 100 a front from cocoa and even from the soil accompanied up he from the coin.

No infrastructure, no built studio, nothing for young artists to come through the would you black Wall Street Studios you could have built that didn’t do it. Cuz you’re from confident and you’re such a real negative. Is disappointing, though. Is disappointing. Cuz she had everything right in front of you that you could have actually been seeing and understanding you so wrapped up in a quote unquote, narrative about hip hop. What about the actual music business that you’re in?

You’re Fredo, you’re a parasite. I kidding? You’re bitter about the whole Super Bowl game. I totally understand that. And I agree with you on that point. That trace should have been like, not Kane, gotta be here. Even if you don’t do it. Even if you don’t do a song. But it’s the people that you have around you, your so called team. It’s no good. You’re freedom. You’re running around with a manager. I Mo Green, he your alliances is not the Mo Green. Your alliances is the family. And who’s the family? The city accompanied. That’s what your alliances do. And I get it.

Super Bowl didn’t happen. He guess what? You trap the ball again by decent Ross. For what reason? There was no reason that this rose. Oh, I get it. You’re being afraid of again, you found another mole green in track that pop out show. That was your Superbowl. That was your moment. Kendrick punch, top dog. They would , they would have gave you a . They would have gave you 40 minutes an hour. near. This is game. He put us on, Kendrick. They were the setback, PG Lang with a setback and said we got a carve out 45 to an hour for game, this game. But because of your alliance to Mo Green. I eat, drink, this thing. The pop out show was your Super Bowl. It was your chance to get up there to do you, to show the world this is confident and I’m the prince of this and every you see on here I had on the lax shuttle lax 2. It’s all coming full circle. You had a full circle moment and you chopped the ball Fredo, because your alliance is to mo green, more green do when it gets to family Fredo. And that’s why you had to come out with a whole little live and give this so as explanation classes. Malone was signed to cash money the joint venture deal with Mack Dean.

But Glasses Malone understands for art of War. Glasses Malone understand. Yeah, no, my alliance is to the west and I’m gonna put on and with Kate. And here I had no problem with trade, but as it relates to the alliance, he don’t go against the family. He’s not afraid of.

And it’s disappointing cuz I like the game is disappointing cuz yet another, yet here it is another way to put your catalog and everything that you work for to put it on display. That pop out show was made for the game any glue it cuz he disenross to show his alliance to the frame. It’s disappointing but it is what it is. .