A Dog’s Picky Eater: Finding the Perfect Food Solution

My dog really hate this food.
I already threw some out. But look,
he’s waiting for me to serve him his good food.
It’s like once I gave him this,
he won’t eat nothing else.
He’s for you. And if I try to blend this with this,
he will go ahead and take this out and leave this.
Cause that’s exactly what happened.
You can see the blood from this fool.
He not dumb. He know what’s coming.
He know. The crazy part is
that he used to get diarrhea out of anything I gave him, right?
But now I figured out that he’s allergic to chicken,
elder, canned food,
all that extra stuff. Be having chicken on most of the stuff.
So that’s why I have to stop giving him that.
But now I got a hack.
Every time I do give him something that might have chicken,
then what I do is that I balance it out by giving him some of this.
The end of the day, he got no diarrhea.
This fixes his diarrhea. It’s the weirdest thing.
When I open the pack, I cut it into eight pieces,
and I usually give him three every time I feed him.
I feed him twice a day. But he got a couple extra packs this month,
so I could. I could splurge with him a little bit.
Look at him licking his lips already.
He ready. Go ahead, boy.
Yeah. Completely ignore whatever stuff was on there.
Um, last time.
That’s it.
He makes a mess, but he eats it all.
He finishes this food in like point two seconds.
Look, he’s looking for more.
Get this food for your dog.
Like, stop being cheap and get it for cause he ain’t gonna love it.
Cream, there’s nothing there