An Unexpected Reunion: A Tale of Military Selection and Companionship

but I mean
from a from a
I mean
dude you saw her again
I did I mean
so what yeah
what’s your pickup line it was pretty
it was pretty wild well
she helped me she um
were everything that you use
very cryptic and so you go through like a 40 day selection process
which is pretty wild onto itself um
and then you go back to your unit
and you get orders to come to the year long training
and they basically give you like this super random email that’s just like
show up at this parking lot at this time
wearing business casual or something like that
so you’re like okay
you show up and you’re hanging out in this parking lot
there’s a couple guys I recognize from my selection class over there
and there’s some other people who maybe were in class before us
or behind us that are there um
and then Shannon pulls up and we make eye
make us like out of make eye contact
we both wreck it like kind of
I think we recognize each other
and she’s looking at me and she backs into this other car
she like she like taps the fender of her car and another car and she’s like it’s
I just go over there and I’m like hey the
I saw that that car jumped out and bitch your bumper
like that was my
that was my pickup line there
you know and we both realize we were who we thought we were like
you know and then we’re kind of
we’re both still in training
so we had a lot going on for that
that first year but
you know from that moment on
we’re pretty much inseparable
do you wanna talk about can you talk about the selection at all
not really um
there’s all the typical stuff that you’ll have in a
in a ruck based selection
so they they also kind of follow the same pattern that like
SFAS or Delta selection follows
okay um
where they’re seeing how you perform individually
I’d say this one you’re even more isolated than
because they’re recruiting for
they’re recruiting from a population of soft guys
have already kind of been tested
you’ve already kind of have to be
have a decent reputation in your community to get the invite
so they know that you can kind of perform well in a typical team environment
and so they take you and they’re gonna isolate you
and they’re gonna have you do a lot of the typical land out stuff
but then there’s a ton of other challenges that
even with like
some of the best Intel going into it
like you just don’t anticipate
and I don’t wanna ruin for anybody
but I would I by the time I went
I’ve been in the army for like 12 years
been to combat been around pretty much every unit here and there
and there was stuff in that selection process that I was like
I did not see that coming
like that that was really surprising and
and very well done too so a lot of resources go into it um
they challenge you in a bunch of different environments
and it’s it’s 40+ days
and you don’t really know when
they give you a really they give you like a week time frame
and when it’ll be done they’ll be like yeah
you can tell your unit you’ll be back
you know between this day and that day
wow so yeah
what’s the attrition rate like
it’s pretty big it it
it’s pretty big um
there’s there’s classes where there’s like one or two guys
you know that make it
my class wasn’t that way we
I think we had two of us that made it through
um there’s
it’s kind of like a scale
a scale thing you go to a standard military base initially
and that’s where you do all your PT tests
and that’s one of the first places where they’re actually gonna put you
like they’re in a polygraphy as well
cause anybody that’s in the unit has to have a TSCI
and so there’s a lot of guys that the psychic out in the poly
they’re gone you know
and then they take you off to a much more isolated place um
and then they take you to another isolated place
by the time you’re all done with it
it’s kind of interesting you
you don’t know how many guys make it through your selection class
um because of the way they end selection
there’s like
a final event you do and then you go for a board
and then you just kind of get put on an airplane
and so you don’t really know
they shuffle you from the board to the airplane basically
yeah yeah
like there’s one other guy maybe
that you’re in the van with
and they also you also don’t really introduce who you are fully
this sounds like the place I always wanted to go
that’s what I said I’ve been looking for this place forever
found you yeah yeah
it’s it’s
it’s a very unique place it takes a long time to get into it
but it’s a it’s a really cool place