Synchronicity and Soul Connections: Navigating Unseen Paths Towards Union

Believe the movie is Jackie Chan, but I just heard, do you understand the words coming out of my mouth? So it’s time for the daily Oppo card. Because sometimes you don’t always for reading, you’ve just seen a little bit of daily guidance. I’m not gonna message you for reading because that’s weird. So if you wanna pride reading with me, check out my profile. And I only have this account.

Okay, we’re gonna get the song, but I just heard simple is as simple does. So today’s song is, yeah, but sure, the lyrics. So she’s all up in my head now. Got me thinking that it might be a good idea to take her with me. Someone wants to take you somewhere. I don’t feel like this is like a one day each or that I think this is like a long term taking you somewhere. So let’s get desirable car. Let’s see what that, let’s get into it today.

Valuable, harder. We have Vaca. Just say someone else said hike you somewhere. There is someone that is in your energy that I just heard energetically, so they’re not physically right there, that is wanting to take you on a live journey. They’re a lot. It is one on one of my timer. There is a lot of passion here. There is a lot of togetherness, connection, understanding, authenticity. This is something that someone wants to unionize.

1,2,3 on my timer. You can both be yourself in the moment with each other on the same terms. Okay, I just heard you’ve changed. They have to been on the same ways. You’re on two different healing web off, but that’s okay because not everyone heals in the same timeline or in the same fashion. Sometimes you heal different stuff and the other person doesn’t heal the same things. They heal other things that are more important. So be okay with a lack of healing in certain areas. They can change. They prove that by changing already. So even though they haven’t changed everything, they prove that they can change with what they have changed. Okay? There is no doubt they want Plan a. You, you were Plan A. I don’t know who Plan B is or what Plan B was. Plan a is now in effect. Okay. I’m literally saying like, you know how the spy movies, they have like different plans or they’re like, we have to come up with Plan B cuz something didn’t work out in Plan a 2, my timer. I feel like that’s the energy. But now Plan a is able to be be done, be worked out, be immaculate. Okay, I just heard and you might not remember this, sit in a tree. K, I, s, s, I, N, J. First comes love, second comes marriage. Here comes with a baby carriage. Oh, that is so sweet. Whatever this is, baby long term. Don’t take the baby cares as a literal thing, okay?

Currently, things in this moment are unbalanced because of situations that are blocking the coming together, the unionizing of understanding the path. It’s not really that things are blocking you and this person. It’s, I guess that’s confirmation there’s not really anything blocking you in this person. You’re eventually going to get there. What’s being blocked is the way or the means to get there. Someone doesn’t like you happy and they’re just, they’re throwing negative energy and it’s affecting it. So protect yourself.

333 on my timer. This is giving soulmate energy. This is giving twin flame energy. I don’t like those terms, but it’s fine. There is a, it’s a deep connection. You feel as if you’ve known each other for a very long time, even though that very long time has been a shorter amount of time than what you feel, Sally. Okay, what I’m seeing is two people standing in the center and then there is a big thing around them that is like really tall, grassy, bushy.

Think of Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire, where they have to go into the labyrinth to get to the Triwizard Trophy. You are in the center of the labyrinth where the trophy is. The problem is, is the trophy is a porky. But this isn’t Harry Potter, so you may grab the port key and fly off to something better, new, fashionable. Okay, I just heard it ain’t Chevron. If you think of Chevron stripes there, whatever. This is a straight stripes. So you’re on a straight stretch. A drag strip. I don’t. A drag strip might be significant here. And I don’t know. I just, I see you. Straight road. See you. Thanks for my time. The No. 20.

I am harmonious. You relate to others on an almost cosmic level. You are dedicated to building harmonious relationships of all kinds. You have the ability to persuade others to your point of view by using gentle means. Listen, someone wants to take you somewhere and it is beneficial to your health in all aspects. Doesn’t have to meet your physical health. Like you could still have health problems, but men, mentally, emotionally, all the other stuff. This is key. This is the key. Hekate says hello as always. You are loved. You are worth it. And I hope you have great day.