Saturday Struggles and Boozy Brunch Plans: Battling Illness for Glasgow Adventure

Hello. Good morning.
How are we? Happy Saturday.
I don’t feel good today and I don’t know what’s going on.
I have a sore head, my body’s sore,
I feel horrifically sick, but I don’t have time for it
cause ain’t it gonna work?
Um, I also have a field day out planned tomorrow with my sisters.
We have a boozy brunch booked.
My youngest sister just turned 18 last week,
so this is the first time we can go out and legally drink.
So we’re going up to Glasgow for the day.
We’ve got a few thing booked,
so I really do have time to not feel well,
so if it could just fuck off,
that would be great. But yeah,
I’m gonna work. Have a great day,
whatever you’re doing, and I shall speak to you soon.