Driving Experience Insights: Perspectives from Instructors and Testers

Do instructors know that learners just drive around by themselves
anyways? By instructors,
are you. Are you talking about people like me
or are you talking about the examiner?
They’re not instructors, they’re testers.
Um, but
so either are, um,
I’d imagine, yeah.
I mean, look
like you kinda know. You have an idea when you see someone
if you’re on a. On a lesson with students and they’re really good,
like, usually they’re not just really good naturally.
Like, I mean, there,
some people are. Are quite natural and.
And they do pick it up quickly,
some people start to do things and start to drive in a certain way
that you can tell that they’ve been driving.
So, um.
So yeah, we.
We can tell straight away.
And all I was asking be like,
so what sort of driving have you done before?
Have you done much before?
And they’ll usually tell me,
they’ll usually be like, yeah,
I have my own car and I drive everyday.
Like, yeah,
I know. Because you’re doing stuff that,
you know, you’ve got habits here
that only someone that drives everyday would have.
So, um,
yeah, we know.
And as for testers, I’m not a tester,
but yeah,
I’d imagine they know as well,
you know what I mean? They,
they. They live in this world there.
There’s still people, you know what I mean?
They could be your neighbour or whatever.
They know as well. Um,
they don’t do It about it should.
They can’t do it about it.
Same way. Sorry.
Same way that I can’t do it about it.
It’s up to the guards to. To police that.
It’s not really up to me. Um.
You know, my job is to teach people how to drive.