Reimagining Health: Challenging Diet Culture and Defining True Wellness

I don’t think I’m gonna answer this question
how you want me to answer this question
but I’m gonna answer it anyway
and this idea like
I wanna lose weight because I wanna be healthier
is what diet culture has been preaching to us our entire lives
disguising health as you need to be in a small body
or you need to lose weight to be healthy
but as we know health comes in all different sizes
we just have it ingrained us since the day we were born
that you need to exist in a small body
and that’s healthy that’s beautiful
that’s all the things so I need you to define what is healthy
I need you to define what it means to be healthy to you specifically
what does a healthy person do
how do they live their lives
how do they move their body
how what is their relationship with food
how do they approach eating
what’s their social life like
how did they spend time do they spend time with their friends
do they spend time alone do they spend time
how do they spend their time
those are the things that are gonna make up a healthy person
not how much they weigh that will then give you a path to move forward
because you’ll be able to see oh
I think that healthy person does this
but this is what I do right now
so what can I do to work my way up
to that and that will help you
and that will get you to what a healthy person is
based on what you think it is
that makes sense and then if you have any questions
I’m so proud of you for asking this question
for being here keep going