Learning to Peel the Banana: Embracing Mistakes as a Path to Success

There’s a foreign kid who had never seen a banana before.
So the kid took the banana and then bit right into it
with the skin and everything.
Another child was like, you’re such an idiot.
And then the adult yelled at that child and said, no,
he just doesn’t know any better.
And there’s a very big difference between being dumb
and being inexperienced. Right now,
you just don’t have reps, so you’re gonna make a lot of mistakes,
like biting into the banana.
You wanna just peel that banana.
You wanna bite into the banana,
bite into the orange. All of those mistakes as quickly as possible
and not judge yourself for making the mistake
and see the mistake as part of the process of being like,
that didn’t work. That didn’t work.
And if I develop enough of these doesn’t works,
then you just kind of walk the minefield
and you get to where you’re trying to go.
And people are like, wow,
you’re so good at this. You’re like,
oh, no, no.
I actually just know all the things not to say in a sale.
And then they end up buying.
I just avoid all that. And then they buy.