Essential Legal Requirements for Landlords Renting Properties in the UK: A Comprehensive Guide

hi I just had a call from somebody uh
looking to basically uh for some advice
but I just thought it might be worth putting in a
a video here around uh
legal requirements that landlords need to have when they are renting properties
because as yeah
as we know that 95% of landlords in the UK have one property in uh
on their name
majority of those people are still on personal name ownership and quite frankly
don’t have the infrastructure and the
I guess the yeah
the time to keep up with all the regulation change has been happening
so here’s a quick summary of what you need to do
so when you are renting to uh
to tenants uh
your PRS private rental sector property
you need to make sure a you serve them obviously a
for a short shorthold tenancy agreement
that you protect their deposit
within one month of taking that money into one of the legally prescribed
government backed uh
deposit Protection scheme
and you tell the tenant where you protected that
so you send them the tenants uh
the deposit certificate uh
also then on top of that you gotta request
send them all the required documentation about that property
so a gas certification if there’s a gas supply there with the gas boiler
gas cooker er
EICR certificate Electric Installation Condition report
a fact that last for five years
and you’ve got to serve that to them
the EPC as well as a guide called the how to Rent Guide
that the government puts out for free
that you need to download from the dot gov dot UK website
and uh then serve that in an email to all of those
into an email to the tenants so they understand how the process works of renting
so they understand also if you breach your requirements
they can also then take action against you
so you really need to make sure that you serve the notices
and those documentations during the phase of pre rental
you’ve got to make sure then there is a spice uh
smoke alarm in the kitchen as well
a carbon monoxide alarm where the boiler is
or where there ever there is a gas um
gas uh
appliance in that room so you gotta do all of these
failing to do that means that you
if you end up needing a Section 21 uh
you wouldn’t struggle to get your property back
based on the a timers that you want on the accelerated possession uh order
so you gotta make sure that your house is in order so that you are at the start
starting as you mean to go on
serve all the right paperworks to your tenants
so that they have no comeback against you as a landlord