Dispute Over a Clogged Toilet: Hilarious Hotel Encounter

In the room.
Hey, I mean, I’ve,
I’ve, I’ve,
So you said toilets. What happened to it?
The toilet, it’s not.
It’s not flushing. It stopped up.
It’s. It’s stopped. What? Me?
This room. I’ve never had to fix anything on this floor before.
Yeah, well,
this is the first time for everything.
What do you make yourself comfortable for?
Can you look at the situation? Try.
I have to start now. Can I not start?
The least you could have done is.
Is. Is clean up. Have.
I’m not the help. This is a job for me.
Oh, I,
I’m not like. Clean a little bit so that I can have room to work.
It’s eight in. It’s eight in the morning.
Alright, we just.
Just. What do you got work for?
What you. What you gonna do with the tape?
It’s. Allow me to do the work.
He’s so aggressive. Yeah.
What are you measuring?
I need to measure the kind of nonsense I’m about to deal with now.
Okay. What.
What is. What is this crowbar?
So who did. Who did it?
Was it you? It was her.
This crowbar is you gonna.
Okay for my security?
Cause sometimes you come to hotel,
people like you. I don’t know what I’m about to encounter.
This is for my own sake. So you see,
I’m keeping it on my. On my.
It’s very handy. Yeah.
Where’s the plunger at? We need a plunger.
If I were you, I would back up a little bit
cause you’re too close. You’re too close.
I’m measuring tape. Wow.
Where’s the plunger at?
Do you want to do the work?
No, I.
I’m just trying to assist you.
You don’t got the tools that are necessary for the job.
I don’t need assistance. You do need assistance.
First of all, I need to investigate.
First we have to investigate who did this.
Was it you or him? It was her.
She did. That’s what I’m telling you.
You are standing there? Yes.
Why are you recording? Do you want the number?
Because I. I need evidence
just in case. So you. Your.
Your camera. This is evidence against you.
You’re unqualified for this job.
I’m pretty sure this is evidence. Sir,
can you just fix the toilet, please?
What you gonna do with a drill? Who knows?
So how long are you people staying?
Are you checking out today or tomorrow?
Tomorrow. I check out tomorrow.
Why does that matter? Because it matters
because first of all, I heard that they are fully booked,
so there’s no room for them to transfer you for them.
You can’t get a new room because it’s full.
I can’t. I can’t fix this today.
So when can you fix it? But this is your job.
And it’s my job. But you see,
if I don’t fix it, what are you going to.
Are you going to arrest me?
Are you not the one that Thought I can’t fix it.
I have, I have.
I’m late. Let me talk to your supervisor.
What supervisor? I’m the supervisor.
Ha ha. It’s a waste of time.
Do you know how many hotels I manage?
Like 6 properties. And you do nothing in any of them, huh?
I have to prioritize. This is not a priority.
So what’s a priority? Stop being with people like her that block. What?
Find women that don’t block toilets.
Because this toilet has not blocked before.
I’ve been managing this property for like 8 years.
Yeah, and you haven’t fixed the toilet in 8 years.
And that’s what’s gonna happen.
I can fix it. So fix it.
I have changed my mind. It’s a waste of time.
You are so wrong.
I changed my mind because you people don’t have respect.
You came with a crowbar of wood and some tape.
You. You didn’t come to plan to fix nothing.
I can fix so I know.
Do you know how long I’ve been fixing?
What’s your name? What’s your name and why?
I’mma. I’mma take this down with corporate.
What’s your name? Yes,
take him down, babe.
Take him down. Take who down?
You people deserve each other and this
block toilets. What’s your name?
Don’t worry about your name.
I need your name.
Why do you need my money? To.
To report you. And I need money.
I’m about to go to. I’m about to go to a wedding.
Alright, now When you go to this wedding.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.