Exciting NHL Playoffs and Track & Field Triumphs: A Look at Sports Today

How about the NHL? We, let’s get into our sports right now. The NHL is pretty interesting because. Why is it? Well, the Panthers are up 3 zip and look like it was all over. It looked like, well, maybe they lose one and then it’s done. Then they lose two and maybe it’s gonna be done. Then they lose three. Now we’re at a Game 7 Mark. I mean, this is really exciting. And the NBA’s all done. That was all could been cleaned up. So what’s their competition right now? Is it majorly baseball? We haven’t even gotten to the all star break yet, so no people really, you know, people who love baseball, of course they’re watching baseball.

But the viewership of the NHL has gone up. As a matter of fact, the playoffs up 27%. These finals viewership up is up now 36%. And Game 6, it was up 54%. So we are seeing a lot of folks that are looking over there. And there’s a lot of fun things that you could play with here, Mark, because Game 7, you’ve got us against Canada, right? You’ve got Florida against Edmonton. Well, you don’t hear that very often when you’re talking about hockey. You’ve got borrowski on one side, you got Connor Mcdavid on the other side. You’ve got the goalie playing against one of the best goalies there is, playing against what I said earlier, which is maybe the best player, not just now, but maybe all time. I mean, he’s somewhere close to that Gretsky like except for he’s bigger and maybe a little bit faster and he’s scoring a hell of a lot of goals. So there’s a lot going on. By the way, in the, just in the post season, eight goals, 34 assists, not so bad. I mean, a lot of guys don’t do that in the entire season. And I’m just talking about post season right now. So it’s amazing. And our buddy Vinny Biola, who’s one of the, but the primary owner of the Panthers. The reason you gotta pull for them right now, first of all, I don’t care if you’re a Canadian or not, you wanna go with this guy because he’s an Army Ranger, New York Law, he’s got Virtue, Financial. Oh, and by the way, he owns the team. I mean, this guy is just a special human being. He’s done his sacrifice for the United States of America around the world. And he’s an amazingly sharp guy who’s done incredible on the business side of things. And you know what? It’s kind of fun to see Florida playing against the Canadian team right up all the way up to Edmonton. What do you think about this one in Game 7? Who’s gonna take it?

Well, listen, you would think with the viewership numbers that Caitlin Clark could join the NHL the way that they’re just going parabolic. It’s really remarkable thing. And I got it to our producer, Jared, is that Trotsky up there? And I’m not sure what that graphic is that he might have turned this into a poly side thing. I it’s that is Lord Stanley of the Stanley.

Sure. Yeah, Lord Stanley.

And he had famously married Mrs. Cup, of course. And so, but look, to keep it quick, cuz I know we gotta talk about or I wanna talk about some very interesting shenanigans that have gone on in the MBA in the past one, and excuse me, in the MLP in the past 24 hours.

But Vinny knows how to pick winner’s feet. I mean, the guy, it’s, he’s just got a knack for it, whether it’s personnel, whether it’s market opportunities, whether it’s players, resources. The man we didn’t mention, the man’s had a tremendous amount of successes. He owns a racing team that has had horses in the creekness, in the stakes, I think in the Derby, I’m actually pretty sure in Derby. So he knows how to pick winners. I think Florida has just looked extraordinarily strong during this. I’ve watched most of the games in the series. As I said at the top of the show, Panthers gun appeals.

I’m with you. I’m hoping and I’m hopeful, you know, so I, maybe I’m getting, maybe that my emotions bringing me over there more so than it should. But you know what, Vinny Biola, what a wonderful guy. I mean, just a, absolute first class guy. And you and I both know that. Alright, so we’re gonna split here. I’m gonna talk a little Olympics, you’re gonna do a little Major League Baseball. But here’s what I’ve got for you. I love the Olympics. Why do I love the Olympics? Cuz I was a track guy. I ran the hunter meter. I did the one 10 meter hurdles, I did the 400 hurdles. I threw the shot, I threw the disk, I threw the javelin, you name it. I love track and feel. And the past week or so with the US trials going on, it’s been phenomenal, by the way. I don’t know how they get faster, but they do, Mark. I don’t know in a million years how Noah Liles can jog the last 10 meters. He’s the hundred meter male for us. Ran a 9.80 in the finals. You ran a 9,8,3 in the Co. In the semi finals, you ran a 9.80 on the hundred meter. I mean, it’s just ridiculous that somebody could do that on the women side, just as great. I mean, Shakaren Richardson is absolutely a freak show athlete. She’s a beautiful young lady. Snoop Dog loves her to death. He was sitting up there in the stands. He was part of this whole thing. It was so great. Mark, he was coming down on under the track and enjoying the festivities up there in Oregon. It was killer. She ran a 108,600 meters. I know a lot of people don’t know the numbers, but if that’s an extraordinary number and she jogged the last five yards, I mean, it’s unbelievable how good these people are. And lastly, I’ve got the shot Twitter and a lot of people go, they look past that. But Ryan Krauser, he’s won two gold medals already. He will win the third gold medal. Mark. The guy literally just stands out there, does his thing, throws it once and sets a new world record. I mean, it’s something like you’ve never seen when you can throw a 16 pound down ball 77.36 feet. I would say that you are an amazing human being that is doing something that no other human being has ever been able to do. And we have some very bright folks out there. I know we got swimmers and divers and everything else, but I’m telling you, these track and field people are amazing to watch.

Yeah, no doubt about it. And I did not know that in your illustrious curriculum vitae and sports that you were a shot put. Her is that’s what it’s called? You’re a shot put. Is there another name for.

It? Oh, you, you put the shot.

You put the shot. Okay. Well, incredible stuff and certainly interesting. But another friend of ours from the financial and sporting world, Stevie Cohen, cannot be too pleased with the breaking news this morning that pitcher Edwin DS. Has been suspect ended for 10 games for use of a controlled substance in. Folks, it’s not what you’re thinking. It was not testosterone shots or roids or . It was a little on the old grease, like the hamburger grease. I know. They still don’t know what it is. It’s out with forensics, I’m sure. But I mean, here’s what I gotta ask you, being what, how do these guys think in today’s teenage with the cameras and the scrutiny and everything else, how do you think they’re gonna get away? And it wasn’t just rosin and it wasn’t just a little bit of sweat, which of course, that’s what DS suggested.

At least they still gonna get away with it today’s day and age. That’s the part I don’t get.

How do they think they’re gonna get away from it with it? And why? I mean, these are Major League Baseball pitchers who have clearly showed that what they can do without that stuff. But to go and then start to use that stuff, maybe you’re struggling, maybe whatever, but somebody’s gonna catch you, Mark. I mean, there’s just no way at God serve you’re gonna be out there as a pitcher with everybody focused on the one guy holding the ball, right? If you’re in left field, that’s a different story. So that they’re like, hey, you know, he’s only on camera when the ball gets hit out that direction. But when you’re a picture, you are under a lot of scrutiny that everybody’s looking at absolutely everything. I, it’s amazing to me that somebody would even try that anymore. But it’s kind of cool that they at least caught it because you know what? The one thing I do stand for is play by the rules. Do the right thing. Play by the rules. And if you’re not, you’re out. And this guy’s gonna be out. What did you say, 10,10 games. 10 games.

Attend games.