The Truth About Fabric Costs in the Fashion Industry: Exposed by a 30-Year Veteran

You blocked me from responding after you made this comment,
so I had to make a video about it.
You said that you worked in fashion and you use top tier fabric
and you made the samples at $150.
So I’m gonna speak this. If you go into Google,
Type in grade A double face cashmere,
tell me what prices you find.
Because this is the prices I find.
Like I said in my original video,
Gucci could be buying fabric at $89.
It’s not so far. Fetch.
I know you said you have experience.
Here is using top tier.
Your opinion of top tier and my opinion of top tier are very different.
When I have my line, I had used double face cashmere for my coat
and they were €300 per meter.
So I am telling you based on my experience,
how much fabric cost? The really good stuff,
the really top tier stuff.
Because I have been working with these top tier Mills,
with these top tier brands.
And whenever I say something,
I make sure it’s 100% fact.
I could bring in receipt.
I don’t just make up fairy tales to say this and that
when it’s not true.
I know there’s so many of you who have not had the experience as me.
And then you also like to bastardize these luxury brands.
I get it. There’s a certain amount of hate. Now.
You hear one scandal of what happened to Dior,
and then you Think like all these brands are just all, like, assholes,
but they’re not. I feel like I need to also preface that
I’m talking strictly about the fashion,
meaning the clothes. I don’t talk about the accessories.
I don’t talk about the it bags.
I don’t talk about the shoes.
I don’t talk about any of that entry level
merch nonsense kind of stuff.
I’m talking about the runway fashion.
And I’m not illegitimizing what happened to Dior,
what happened with the burning the bags and all this.
I know this shit happens. Saying
is that all for some validity.
And what the cost is. When it’s $3,000,
you might not agree with it,
but as someone who has worked for these brands,
have done costing, I understand the justification for it,
whereas you might not. I’m really here to expose everything
that’s happening in the fashion industry
because I am in the fashion industry,
and I have been for over 30 years.
When I say something, I make sure that it’s based on my experience
and based on what I know to be true about the industry.
So if you come up to the disagreement with me, bring in receipts.