Title: Speak Your True Identity: Created in God’s Image

Whose image were you created in,
you say? Well,
God’s image. Absolutely.
Here’s a question. How did god make you in his image?
He spoke it. He spoke you in his image.
And can I tell you? You’re in God’s image,
but you got to speak what god sees.
He sees the righteousness of god.
He sees your new creation.
He sees that you’re a child of god.
He sees you’re an heir of god
and a joint heir with Christ Jesus.
He sees you as a member of the body of Christ.
He sees you reigning in life through the name of Jesus.
Here’s the thing, though.
It’s not gonna work for you unless you speak it.
Because by being made in God’s image, you.
You are made to create things by speaking them into existence.
So it is important to speak who you are in Christ.